Vehicle Support - Osprea
Osprea produces bespoke vehicle fleet solutions, supplies mission critical equipment and deploys professional service providers worldwide for peacekeeping support operations, development projects and expeditionary efforts in conflict areas.
Mamba, Mk7, Mk5, Iveco, Magirus, Osprea, Logistics, peacekeeping, support, spare parts, parts, armored, vehicles, apc
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Vehicle Support

Osprea provides comprehensive vehicle and fleet support directly in-theatre, where ever a client’s mission is.

Lead by Osprea’s Fleet Support Operations Centre in Pretoria, South Africa, Osprea designs and operates Echelon 1-4 maintenance and repair programmes, including construction and operations of depot level repair facilities, and creates complete fleet databases to schedule and predict maintenance, overhaul, and repair requirements.

Specialty repair requirements can be met to repair large numbers of heavily damaged vehicles in-theatre, or Osprea can rotate a client’s vehicles to proprietary regional service centres for full remanufacturing to new condition. All Osprea vehicle technicians are manufacturer trained and certified, and are deployed into theatre with all necessary tools and machinery to make an immediate impact on client motor pool operations and vehicle fleets.

A comprehensive source of spare and repair parts for all vehicle manufacturers, Osprea’s Fleet Support Operations centre provides holistic supply-chain solutions to dispatch the correct parts into the mission area with minimal down-time for critical movement requirements.