Engineering / Camp Support - Osprea
Osprea produces bespoke vehicle fleet solutions, supplies mission critical equipment and deploys professional service providers worldwide for peacekeeping support operations, development projects and expeditionary efforts in conflict areas.
Mamba, Mk7, Mk5, Iveco, Magirus, Osprea, Logistics, peacekeeping, support, spare parts, parts, armored, vehicles, apc
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Engineering / Camp Support
Osprea deploys all the engineering, defensive positioning, and infrastructure equipment required to build an operational camp facility in remote and hazardous areas.
With facilities built and protected with Osprea material throughout East and North Africa, Osprea understands the requirements to supply equipment designed for extreme weather, kinetic environments, and unstable areas.
Osprea deploys, constructs, and maintains fully independent mission facilities, from base camps to repair depots, including implementation of full accommodation and work facilities, defensive perimeters, electrical supplies, and water sourcing and purification.
Engineering and infrastructure equipment deployed by Osprea includes:
- Hesco-style concertainer barriers
- Barbed and concertina wire
- Reinforced concrete barriers
- Sandbags
- Accomodation, office, kitchen, and ablution containers
- Military style and humanitarian style tents and portable shelters